Why I choose Heavy Metal (why should you?)

I tried...technically! I can't say that I haven't. I tried to listen to popular music, when at the age of 9 or 10 (I don't really remember....

Ozzy: Rock Legend or Just a (Old) Man?

I have just watched the documentary "God Bless Ozzy Osbourne" which was apparently directed by his son Jack Osbourne. It has been characterised from monumental to insightful and generally received...

Brian Johnson Vs Bon Scott: A Scientific approach to an ongoing AC/DC debate

We have all been there. And by "there" I mean have been part of the oldest debate in AC/DC history and probably one of the biggest in Rock history in general. Who is better, Bon Scott or Brian Johnson?...

Religion Vs Rock N' Roll

I know, the title couldn't be more kitschy and lame. But here is what the world has come to! I have been avoiding to get into this debate (i.e. the religion, not the Rock N' Roll one) for obvious reasons...

Mind under training (Introduction)

I realised that while I have been writing my extremely influential (!) articles, I still haven’t introduced myself properly...

25 June 2012

I Bet My Life!

by guest author Savallas

[Scroll down the page for the English version and author bio]

Υπάρχουν πολλοί τρόποι με τους οποίους ένα άτομο μπορεί να χάσει λεφτά, αλλά υπάρχει ένας μόνο τρόπος να μην το ξανακάνει. 

Εδώ και χρόνια στον τόπο μας, στην Κύπρο, λέμε, ξαναλέμε, αποφασίζουμε μετανιώνουμε το ξανασκεφτόμαστε αλλά τίποτα...
Να κάνουμε καζίνα τελικά ή όχι; 

Ένας τζογαδόρος σίγουρα δεν θα καταστραφεί από ένα καζίνο αφού είναι στο αίμα του να ποντάρει, να προκαλεί τον άλλο και γενικά του αρέσει να περπατά πάνω σε αυτή την πολύ λεπτή κλωστή που χωρίζει την νίκη απο την ήττα, την επιτυχία από την αποτυχία. Να κάνει σκέψεις ότι θα διπλασιάσει σε λίγο τα λεφτά του ή θα έρθει η απόλυτη καταστροφή του μέσα σε λίγα μόλις δευτερόλεπτα. Βλέπεις, ο τζόγος δεν είναι κάτι που μπορείς να το σταματήσεις απο την μία μέρα στην άλλη. Είναι αρρώστια.

Ένας τζογαδόρος θα σε πάει στοίχημα με λεφτά για το αν καταφέρεις να τρέξεις τα 10 μέτρα σε 2 δευτερόλεπτα, θα σε πάει στοίχημα στο τάβλι, θα σε πάει στοίχημα στα ζάρια, στο φαγητό, στο ποτό, στη διασκέδαση. Δεν έχει σημασία το ποσό, αλλά η όλη διαδικασία. Με λίγα λόγια, ο τζόγος είναι μέρος της ζωής μας, της καθημερινότητάς μας, είτε μας αρέσει είτε όχι. Ο τζογαδόρος σίγουρα δεν θα περιμένει να του κτίσεις καζίνο για να ξοδέψει τα λεφτά του, δεν σε έχει ανάγκη. 

Στην Κύπρο όμως, ο πρόεδρός μας, δεν θέλει να το κάνει γιατί λέει οτι θα καταστραφούν οικογένειες, θα κλείσουν σπίτια και ο τόπος μας θα καταντήσει Λας Βέγκας λόγω του υπόκοσμου. Λαμβάνοντας υπόψην μας την ανεργία, την απελπισία και τη γενικότερη κατάσταση του τουρισμού μας που βρίσκεται στον αναπνευστήρα, δεν ακούγεται και τόσο άσχημο. Επίσης, να υποθέσουμε ότι ο υπόκοσμος τώρα, δεν έχει δράση στην Κύπρο, αφού είναι όλοι νοματαγείς πολίτες και γενικά ζούμε μέσα σε μία κοινωνία όπου βασιλεύει το δίκαιο και ο νόμος. 

Εν τω μεταξύ στα καζίνα πέραν του νοητικού πλέον συρματοπλέγματος, παίκτηκαν ήδη ολόκληρες περιουσίες, χάθηκαν τόσα εκατομμύρια. Είδατε εσείς πουθενά την καταστροφή; Φυσικά και όχι, αφού είναι καθαρά επιλογή του καθενός το τι θα κάνει με τα λεφτά του και πώς θα επιλέξει ο ίδιος να τα ξοδέψει. O μοναδικός χαμένος από την όλη υπόθεση λοιπόν δεν είναι ο τζογαδόρος, αλλά το κράτος. 

Πέραν των κοινωνικών επιπτώσεων, που έτσι κι αλλιώς στην παρούσα κατάσταση τα κοινωνικά θέματα δεν φένεται να ενδιαφέρουν τους αρμόδιους, το κράτος ενώ θα μπορούσε να βγάζει πάρα πολλά εκατομμύρια (300.000.000 και μόνο από τις άδειες κάθε χρόνο) δεν κάνει τίποτα γι’ αυτό. Εξού και η οδήγηση μας στον μηχανισμό υποστήριξης ή σε δάνεια από άλλα κράτη. 

Η δημιουργία καζίνου, θα έβλαπτε σοβαρά και τον υπόκοσμο, θα ήταν ένα κτύπημα κάτω από την μέση αφού έτσι, ο κυρίαρχος στην πράσινη τσόχα θα είναι το κράτος και με μία μπάγκα αρκετά μεγάλη ώστε να κτυπά τα ρέστα του όποτε θέλει και με το αζημίωτο. Δεν θα είχαμε γκαστερικές επιθέσεις όπως την ψεσινή και σίγουρα δεν θα είχαμε και τόσα θύματα.
Ο Κύπριος, συγκαταλέγεται ανάμεσα στους τρεις μεγαλύτερους τζογαδόρους στον κόσμο. Τα σκύπτρα τα κρατάνε οι Κινέζοι. 

Ο τζόγος αυτή την στιγμή βασιλεύει στον αθλητισμό αλλά δεν είδαμε καμία αντίδραση, έχουν φτάσει στο σημείο να θεωρούν άθλημα τον... ιππόδρομο και τα εκατομμύρια που παίζουν κάθε φορά, την ώρα που όλοι ξέρουν ότι είναι όλα στημένα.

Τζογαδόροι είμαστε όλοι στο κάτω κάτω, απλά μερικοί ξέρουν πότε πρέπει να σταματήσουν (ο σωστός τζογαδόρος) και άλλοι όχι (ο πάντα χαμένος τζογαδόρος) και αυτό είναι που κάνει τον τζόγο να παίζει τόσο σημαντικό ρόλο στην ζωής μας.

Όπως είπαμε και στην αρχή, τρόποι υπάρχουν πολλοί για να χάσει κάποιος λεφτά, υπάρχει όμως μόνο ενας για να σταματήσει να το κάνει και αυτός είναι όταν θα χάσει την ζωή του.

There are many ways with which a person can lose money, but there is just one way for them not to do it again.

For years now, here in our country, Cyprus, we argue, we take decisions, we regret, and change our minds but nothing happens...

Should we finally give licenses for casinos? Or not?

Surely gamblers won’t be ruined by one casino since gambling is in their blood, challenging others and generally walking on that thin line between winning and losing, between success and failure. Thinking whether they will soon double their money or be completely wiped out in a matter of seconds. You see, gambling is not something you can stop from one day to the next. It’s a disease.

Gamblers will bet you on whether you are able to run 10m in 2 seconds, they will bet you on a game of backgammon or dice, they will bet you on food, drinking, or simply on having fun. And it’s not about the amount, it’s the whole process. In other words, gambling is part of our everyday lives whether we like it or not. A gambler is not waiting for a casino to waste their money, they’ve got their ways.

In Cyprus though, our president refuses to give the licenses for casinos because, as he claims, families will be wrecked, households will be ruined, and our country will become something like Las Vegas because of the underworld. Considering the unemployment, the desperation, and the general condition of our tourism which is suffering, it doesn’t sound that bad. And let’s also assume for a moment that the underworld is not active presently, and that all citizens in Cyprus are law abiding and we generally live in a society where law and fairness reign!

In the meantime, in the casinos beyond the now mental barricade that divides our country, whole properties have been placed as a bet and millions were lost. Have you seen any destruction? Of course not, since spending their money is each person’s choice. The only loser in all this is not the gambler but the government.

Despite the social consequences, which are not a high priority for the relevant competent authorities anyway, the government could make many millions out of it (300million just from the licenses each year only), but chooses not to. Hence, Cyprus is very close to seeking financial support and loans from other countries.

The establishment of casinos would hit the underworld as well. It would be an “under the belt” move since it would mean that the government is now dominant in the gambling game with a respectful money pot. We wouldn’t have gangster-like attacks like the recent one and we surely wouldn’t have so many victims.

Cypriots are amongst the three biggest gamblers in the world with the Chinese leading the way at the moment.

Gambling at the moment is dominant in sports. But we have yet to experience an objection to that. It reached the point where horse racing, and the millions they bet, is considered a sport while consciously knowing everything is a set up.

At the end of the day, we are all gamblers. It’s just that some know when they need to stop (the right gambler) and others don’t (the losing gambler) and this is what makes gambling so important in our lives.

As I said at the beginning, there are many ways with which a person can lose money but there is just one way for them to stop... losing their life.
Savallas is a 30 something anti-hero who enjoys complaining about the world we live in. He claims AC/DC and Slayer are the best and apparently they are. At the moment he spends his time fighting unfairness in a small Cypriot town, kind of like a Cypriot Batman. You cannot follow his views anywhere because you have to pay for them.
Image credits:

20 June 2012

Review of Download Festival 2012

A review of the happenings at Download Festival 2012, Donington Park, UK


Our day started with Anthrax playing a half hour show. Since it was the ¼ of the Big 4 for which I had the lesser knowledge about and also the first time I was seeing them live, I was really focused and very open to liking them. I needn’t be though. They were simply powerful. Within those 30 minutes they had us jumping up and down, commanded the crowd to form a well-rounded mosh pit, and entertained us all the way. I was especially happy when I finally heard “Indians” which was stuck in my mind for 2 months. Belladonna did his usual with security guards rushing to “save” a female colleague from his hands when he tried to shake her to the song rhythm! They also forcefully kept him from crowd surfing. Download had officially kicked off for me. I give them a 9/10 purely because it was a 30 min appearance.


This was the only band I somehow wanted to see but didn't know much about them. I wasn’t expecting to be amazed nor was I particularly looking forward to see them- I was curious really. But they were good. Not being familiar with their work didn’t help much. I wasn't enthused but one thing really surprised me: how huge and what a great guitarist Zakk Wylde is. I also learned that his custom-made guitar weighs like a ton and only he can lift it! No wonders there. Unfortunately though, they didn’t make much impact on me and I was left being none the wiser about them. 6/10


Next, on the stage came these guys. Now, I have seen them live one more time when they opened for Heaven & Hell a few years ago. I was disappointed back then and I was disappointed this time too. The reason is simple; I just don’t fancy not being able to understand the song lyrics. Now I’m not saying they should attend a spelling bee class but seriously screaming to the crowd “sing it” and not actually singing it themselves is not much help especially to new fans! To be fair though I was biased towards not enjoying them but here is the thing. They were actually quite good, musically speaking. Their live music was arousing and many times I found myself tapping my leg and moving to the rhythm. On a different note, I seriously need to get Blythe’s vocal instructor’s number! 6.5/10


One of the word composites of the above was true: DETH. I did not experience MEGA in any way. Ok, perhaps Mustaine’s hair! But honestly, I was so excited that I was going to see the Megadeth live that I think I raised my expectations way too high. For starters, I think they were brain-dead during this live. They were barely moving or even entertaining in any way. At some point we thought maybe Mustaine had to leave early for the church mass? Or perhaps his pony was missing him much? The only thing that entertained us briefly was Vic Rattlehead wandering through the stage. Anyway, I was left unimpressed and disappointed in so many ways. On the other hand, again musically speaking, I liked them a lot. I enjoyed the classics like “Peace Sells” and “Symphony of Destruction” and all in all I am glad I saw them live. Not so glad about the white shirt though. So not metal! 5/10 


This was the point where grunge took over the main stage (seriously Soundgarden?) and I moved on to the smaller stages to see some other favourites. I managed to watch Firewind for a while and I can tell without a doubt that they sound even better live. Gus G did his thing as always with those magic fingers of his. On the other hand, Apollo’s vocals were astonishing. Although appearing in one of the smallest stages, it was packed and people were very enthusiastic about them. The sound was not fair to the bands but the good ones got noticed anyway. Firewind make the Greek metal scene proud for sure. 7.5/10


I insisted on standing still for 40 minutes waiting for these guys to show up.  I don’t know what it is about Ghost, but I was hooked when I first heard them by accident on YouTube. What is their deal? What is their music about? What are they? Appearing on stage dressed up like Ku Klux Klan members with their frontman, Papa Emeritus, dressed like a catholic priest with a skull where his face should be and holding a censer blessing the crowd did not solve any of my questions. Especially when their lyrics are filled with satanic elements! Whatever they represent be it humour, irony, or simply fun, their performance was great. I mean, the vocals were magnificent. I thought I was carried by angels (or maybe demons?) into the skies on a soft cloud ! The keyboards compliment their songs so well; I don’t think I have heard anything like this before. But then again I am not into Doom that much (apparently this is their categorisation). I loved them and can’t wait to hear their second album. 8.5/10


And on to the legends! By this time I was so exhausted that I couldn’t wait to go to sleep. I even wondered whether seeing THE Black Sabbath live is worth all this trouble. I have already seen them once with Dio so I thought to myself: “Is Ozzy really going to hit the notes and amaze me as much as Dio did? Is Tony going to be performing at his best? Is it really Black Sabbath I am seeing without Bill?” Then the first chord struck me. They started with “Black Sabbath” which couldn’t have worked better for the explosion that was about to follow. I then forgot all about my tiredness, all the urine, shit, food waste, or anything else I might have stepped or sat on without realising, and l lended my soul to the godfathers. It was phenomenal. For many reasons. Ozzy did hit the notes despite my otherwise expectations. He ran on the stage like a 4-year old, clapped his hands, and said fuck a lot. Only he can sing metal and successfully have the crowd move rhythmically left/right instead of forming a mosh pit! And only he can get angry when he “doesn't see our fucking hands in the air” anymore. Tony was looking like the true iron man and his guitar virtuosity was unaffected. This guy is so stoic I was really surprised when the camera caught him looking at the crowd and smiling at various times during the gig. Geezer shined again as the master of the bass and he did look happy to be sharing the stage with all of them. Clufetos was hitting the drums so hard I’m sure I felt the pain too. He was unbelievable. With 150,000 people and 300,000 set of eyes all watching them I think they felt what I did; that they belong together on a stage. Not Ozzy alone, not as Heaven & Hell, but as Black Sabbath. They had great chemistry and I don’t care where it came from be it money or respect for one another. And despite the fact that only ¾ where performing, based on that performance alone, I can be honest when I say I saw Black Sabbath. 10/10


  1. Anthrax is the best out of the 3 of the “Big 4” thrash metal bands I saw live.
  2. Zakk Wylde is huge and looks like a good guy to have drinks with at a strip club filled with Hell's Angels.
  3. Lamb of God have great music but the sound of Blythe’s screaming and growling voice makes me yawn repeatedly.
  4. Mustaine does not look good in a white shirt and his hair has more volume than his voice.
  5. Firewind sound even better live and I think I am in love with Gus G.
  6. Ghost is perhaps the next big thing in metal; even Anselmo said so.
  7. I pity the fool that will not get the chance to experience Black Sabbath live in front of a 150,000 crowd.

Limited videos can be found here.

03 June 2012

Precious Rocks & Rare Heavy Metals: Chapter 3

The third of a series of fun articles aiming to explore the impact that Rock and Heavy Metal artists/bands had on the world and the impact the world had on them. This series will cover a number of artists so all favourites are presented. Read the first and second chapters here and here.

Please note: There is no specific reason (e.g. greatness, preference etc) for the order bands are presented!


There is no question that Alice Cooper himself is well respected and considered as a great example of a rock star. He is pretty much the leader of Shock Rock as people call it. His stage presence and theatrics had people talking for generations. But behind that creepy façade of his you may find a “born-again Christian”, a humanitarian, and an esteemed friend. He has become very talkative about his religious beliefs and has set up his own non-profit organisation called “Solid Rock” aiming to help teenagers in many aspects of their lives. Alice Cooper has recently received an honorary doctorate too and gave a strange speech. Full story here

Now, out of respect to his outstanding musical contribution and long career and due my own admiration of him as a human being and artist I will have to pass and try not judge Mr. Cooper about his recent religious enthusiasm. He is 64 after all and closer to the “light”. But there are some signs of (possible) dementia and I'm raising a red flag here. I’m no doctor but any sort of admiration towards the thing called Lady Gaga must surely mean that some neurological deficiency is present. He IS 64 after all. Full story and proof I’m not crazy here. On a lighter note, you can catch Alice in the new movie by Tim Burton alongside Johnny Depp. Now that I wanna see! 


Rage Against The Machine (RATM) are mostly known for their political and social activism. Their music and lyrics represent this and it’s no wonder considering that guitarist Tom Morello is a social studies graduate from Harvard University. There is no protest or march that Morello and de La Rocha are not part of. There is an interesting paper on radical criminology with an extensive analysis of RATM lyrics which I found very interesting (link here). Some less known “services” to the world include Morello’s stripper career! Full story here

If I was forced to listen to Nu Metal I would choose to only listen to RATM. The fact is I do and I like it. The combination of funk, metal, and a bit of rapping with that guitar sound and those lyrics is just remarkable. I cannot imagine a more cathartic and aggressive song than "Killing in the Name". Ok, maybe "Angel of Death" by Slayer but not for soul-catharsis reasons! Anyway, my point is, being an idealist myself, I find it comforting that there are people out there who (still) believe in ideas like civil rights, equality, world peace, etc etc. And believe it or not a political science graduate-cum-vegetarian stripper-cum-protest musician is part of this bunch. But the best part is that I don’t have to do a thing, just watch them from my couch and smile devilishly! Here is a fun video of a school marching band “covering” Killing in the Name. Enjoy!


Slayer is undoubtedly the most controversial of the “Big 4” in terms of lyrics, music, and pretty much everything else. Ideas like Nazism, white supremacy, Satanism, terrorism, war, murder, and all other awful-sounding words in the English dictionary can be found in the repertoire of the accusations towards this band. Kerry King’s feisty personality and uncounted feuds don’t help much either. Still, the band managed to leave its stamp in the Metal history as one of the most important bands and probably the most consistent Thrash Metal band of all. Recently, they joined the Heavy Metal marketing race when they named a wine after the hymn “Reign in Blood”. Full story here. It is only available in Sweden (where else?) and at the ridiculous price of €80! You may purchase here. The description for this wine is very impressive and effortful: 

"The wine, a Cabernet Sauvignon from California, is as uncomprimising [sic] and tough as the band. After a couple of Seasons in the Abyss, the wine has an undisputed attitude and a soft nose of dark berry fruits with oak and spicy nuances. Good mouth feel with hints of fresh fruit and juicy, smooth tannins. Well structured and rounded with subtle notes of oak, showing true Divine Intervention. Best company for the wine comes as no surprise, enjoy it while headbanging, riffing or with food, friends and great music. Reign in Wine!"

Honestly, Slayer was not one of the bands I listened to when I first got into Heavy Metal. But I was meant to and I soon realised there is not another band that “screams” more Metal than this one. I mean come on, even their diseases sound Metal: necrotizing fasciitis, a flesh-eating disease that Hanneman contracted from a spider bite! What’s more Metal than that? Oh, perhaps a Jagermeister add featuring Kerry King? Watch it here. I just love this guy's look!

Watch this space for the next chapter of this series.
Image credits:


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