
This page is a personal blog. The key word here is "personal". Therefore posts represent personal views, reviews, ideas, criticism etc. It's meant to be fun. The writing style is infused with sarcasm and irony and I understand that some people may misunderstand.

If, by reading my posts, you get offended, angry or simply annoyed please feel free to contact me, there is a chance I may be amused by your e-mail. If on the other hand you feel challenged and wish to comment, debate, or prove me wrong in a humane way, you are more than welcome to do so. Please keep in mind though, I am not trashing individuals, rather ideas and phenomena.

Moreover, if you think you have got a nice topic for a new post or have written anything that you would like me to publish, please contact me (of course all authorship rights will be attributed appropriately). You will find my details under contact. Please keep all correspondence descent. Hate mail will not be tolerated.

I take plagiarism very seriously. There are posts that may include information from other sources. If you are sure there may be sources not cited properly please let me know. Similarly, please do not copy without my permission as the content is protected.

To find out more about me, read this too.

Read and enjoy. Oh, and give peace a chance!

IMPORTANT: The ideas and opinions expressed in my blog do not represent the ideas of universities or organisations I am affiliated to.

Creative Commons Licence
Lucubration Blog by Tzellofouska is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


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