Υπάρχουν πολλοί τρόποι με τους οποίους ένα άτομο μπορεί να χάσει λεφτά, αλλά υπάρχει ένας μόνο τρόπος να μην το ξανακάνει.
Να κάνουμε καζίνα τελικά ή όχι;

Ο τζόγος αυτή την στιγμή βασιλεύει στον αθλητισμό αλλά δεν είδαμε καμία αντίδραση, έχουν φτάσει στο σημείο να θεωρούν άθλημα τον... ιππόδρομο και τα εκατομμύρια που παίζουν κάθε φορά, την ώρα που όλοι ξέρουν ότι είναι όλα στημένα.
Τζογαδόροι είμαστε όλοι στο κάτω κάτω, απλά μερικοί ξέρουν πότε πρέπει να σταματήσουν (ο σωστός τζογαδόρος) και άλλοι όχι (ο πάντα χαμένος τζογαδόρος) και αυτό είναι που κάνει τον τζόγο να παίζει τόσο σημαντικό ρόλο στην ζωής μας.
Όπως είπαμε και στην αρχή, τρόποι υπάρχουν πολλοί για να χάσει κάποιος λεφτά, υπάρχει όμως μόνο ενας για να σταματήσει να το κάνει και αυτός είναι όταν θα χάσει την ζωή του.
There are many ways with which a person can lose money, but there is just one way for them not to do it again.
For years now, here in our country, Cyprus, we argue, we take decisions, we regret, and change our minds but nothing happens...
Should we finally give licenses for casinos? Or not?
Surely gamblers won’t be ruined by one casino since gambling is in their blood, challenging others and generally walking on that thin line between winning and losing, between success and failure. Thinking whether they will soon double their money or be completely wiped out in a matter of seconds. You see, gambling is not something you can stop from one day to the next. It’s a disease.
Gamblers will bet you on whether you are able to run 10m in 2 seconds, they will bet you on a game of backgammon or dice, they will bet you on food, drinking, or simply on having fun. And it’s not about the amount, it’s the whole process. In other words, gambling is part of our everyday lives whether we like it or not. A gambler is not waiting for a casino to waste their money, they’ve got their ways.
In Cyprus though, our president refuses to give the licenses for casinos because, as he claims, families will be wrecked, households will be ruined, and our country will become something like Las Vegas because of the underworld. Considering the unemployment, the desperation, and the general condition of our tourism which is suffering, it doesn’t sound that bad. And let’s also assume for a moment that the underworld is not active presently, and that all citizens in Cyprus are law abiding and we generally live in a society where law and fairness reign!
In the meantime, in the casinos beyond the now mental barricade that divides our country, whole properties have been placed as a bet and millions were lost. Have you seen any destruction? Of course not, since spending their money is each person’s choice. The only loser in all this is not the gambler but the government.
Despite the social consequences, which are not a high priority for the relevant competent authorities anyway, the government could make many millions out of it (300million just from the licenses each year only), but chooses not to. Hence, Cyprus is very close to seeking financial support and loans from other countries.
The establishment of casinos would hit the underworld as well. It would be an “under the belt” move since it would mean that the government is now dominant in the gambling game with a respectful money pot. We wouldn’t have gangster-like attacks like the recent one and we surely wouldn’t have so many victims.
Cypriots are amongst the three biggest gamblers in the world with the Chinese leading the way at the moment.
Gambling at the moment is dominant in sports. But we have yet to experience an objection to that. It reached the point where horse racing, and the millions they bet, is considered a sport while consciously knowing everything is a set up.
At the end of the day, we are all gamblers. It’s just that some know when they need to stop (the right gambler) and others don’t (the losing gambler) and this is what makes gambling so important in our lives.
As I said at the beginning, there are many ways with which a person can lose money but there is just one way for them to stop... losing their life.